If you’re anyone that’s actually worth your weight you’re bullish on America, but you can’t rest on your laurels thinking that’s a risk free bet. The United States is not losing a serious military confrontation anytime soon nor can it lose economically. The United States has one major weak point. If that weak point gets fully exploited, there is a future where the US collapses in to stagnation.
Recon & Exploitation
In the field of cyber security an attacker first starts by doing reconnaissance on his target. Slowly and quietly scanning and looking for weak points in his target’s system to attack. Sometimes you’re lucky and a potential weakness comes up in your scan, other times you get nothing of value. You don’t just stop because you get nothing, there’s always one last angle, humans. Just like a computer system, human’s can also be exploited. You might not be the CFO of a billion dollar company but people are also targeting you everyday, just check your spam emails.
This is the same with nation states, you might not be able to physically bend another country to your will but you can always take advantage of their people.
Countries like China are very aware of this fact, it’s why they control the flow of information into their country. They don’t allow any social media apps that are not local and state controlled to exist within their borders. Why? Because while information is great but it can also be wielded as a weapon. Communist regimes who spend decades lying to their population and faking numbers are especially vulnerable to information attacks. Information revealing the reality of their people’s history and reality can invite dissatisfaction and social unrest.